Tuesday, September 17, 2013

George Zimmerman were Monsanto

(NaturalNews) If George Zimmerman were Monsanto, would any black leaders seek justice for Trayvon? The answer is no. The African-American community is up in arms over a jury of six women finding George Zimmerman not guilty of the second degree murder of Trayvon Martin. That same community is SILENT on the routine killing of young black babies by GMOs, vaccines and even the cancer-causing chemicals found in processed meat. Where is the march against cancer-causing sodium nitrite in hot dogs and beef jerky? There's no telling how many young black men, boys and children are given brain cancer each year by the processed meat industry. How many young black kids are made autistic by the methyl mercury that's still admittedly used in vaccines?

How National Security Letters Violate Our Privacy (2008)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Jay Carney on President Killing U.S. Citizens

We still have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. We are still Using drones to bomb civilians in other countries Iran threaten to park it ships off our coast similar to what we do to theirs and people wonder why they dont like us much Pakistani military units fired shots at American and Afghan government troops along the Afghanistan border